Thursday, July 21, 2011

Can You Say Capoeira?

Take a look at these creative guys:

Volta Miuda Capoeira, led by Mestrando Jamaika, is a Brazilian martial art group in Salt Lake City, Utah. Oddly, I met them in my library parking lot. Muscular individuals with strange musical instruments? I thought. I must say hello!

My own definition of Capoeira (cap-oh-wee-dah) - a type of dance with intense martial art flare and beauty. Since 2001, and with over 150 students, Mestrando Jamaika offers classes for many ages and levels of experience. Also, students are tested and presented with a cord - like a Karate belt - at a yearly Batizado. If you're local, you can see a performance at the Sandy library, August 13, 1:30 pm, or at the Hunter Library, August 16, 7:00 pm.

I'm continually amazed at the creativity I see in all walks of life. This is an impressive sport. Have you ever heard of it?

Are you curious for more? Here is another Capoeira group from France.


Talli Roland said...


I've heard of it, but never seen it in action.

Miranda Hardy said...

Nope, I've never heard of it, but I love it. People amaze me.

Loree Huebner said...

Awesome. There is so much talent out there...something for everyone.

Crystal Cook said...

Wow, that is pretty incredible! Muscular individuals with musical instruments. . . he he!

Joanne said...

I have seen them ( the dance) only on TV but I agree it is amazing!
Blessings, Joanne

Laura Josephsen said...

Wow, that's awesome!

Shelley Sly said...

Ooh, awesome! I'd never heard of this before, but it sounds like something I'd love to watch in-person.

Leslie S. Rose said...

New to me and very interesting. Kind of Cirque du Soleil meets karate.

V. Deshmukh said...

I haven't seen this dance before. Thank you for introducing me to it. Thank you also for the nice comment you left on my painting blog.
Best wishes,

Anonymous said...

This IS an amazing sport. Never heard of it, but I can get a feel for it from these amazing photographs!

In response to the comment you just posted on my blog, asking if I felt that my memoir was healing, I wrote this: "At this moment in time, Michelle, I can see and feel that it WAS healing to write it. And I feel so good about the end result. It’s great when you’ve spent so much time on a piece of writing that it turns out so well. And it feels good to know that readers have been “inspired”–-if that’s the correct word–-by it. I wanted them to feel like no matter what our trials are, we can endure, and sometimes endure well. As I told one friend recently, when she said it was a “dark” book, “I survived.” She said, “Yes, you did. And it’s amazing the help you had along the way.”
Ann Best, Author of In the Memoir, A Memoir of Shattered Secrets

Julie Flanders said...

I've never heard of this before, but it looks awesome! Great photos! It's always so interesting to learn of something new, I totally agree about being amazed at the creativity all around us. :)